Kathrene with a Kamera
Mmmhhh where do I start! How about at the beginning?
My Love for photography started when I took a picture of the very first flower that bloomed in my mom's garden following Hurricane Dean in 2007. I never gave it much thought, but kept doing photography as a hobby on and off for the next few years. It was not until 2013 when I decided to take it a step further and learn the art and technicalities behind the hobby I came to love and thoroughly enjoy.
Now here I am today, a marine biologist by training and a photographer every other time and then some. With the support of my wonderful husband, my sweet little boy, family and friends I laugh, cry and dance my way with my kamera by my side trying to make it as a renowned Jamaican Family Photographer.
Thank you Lord as I am truly blessed.
This website and my work as a photographer is dedicated to the memory of my Grampa, Eric George Witter.
Love Chalene 'Kathrene' Roye-Myrie

My most precious Blessings...